Warning: The videos below contain imagery that will make you hungry!

Meijer is a regional American supercenter chain that shows off its fresh ingredients flowing in slow motion and can undoubtedly evoke the image of a musical dance. In such a visual, the ingredients could appear gracefully moving in time to an imaginary soundtrack, creating a mesmerizing and beautiful scene. This kind of visual representation evokes a sense of freshness, purity, and natural beauty.
Toby Pederson, known for his precise lighting of shiny still-life objects, draws on his signature graphic table-top look to bring attention to the subject in his food photography images and food motion work.
Toby's use of slow motion is particularly effective in highlighting a subject's fluid movements and shapes, such as the flowing of fresh ingredients. This technique can add a sense of grace and beauty to the subject and emphasize its flowing motion, making it stand out in the frame. Additionally, light reflections can also play a role in adding visual interest to the scene, creating sharp, dynamic highlights that help to draw the viewer's eye to the subject.
One thing is for sure, we all get hungry watching the waterfall of food move to the sound. 

Enjoy Photographer and Director Toby Pederson's motion work for Meijer.


See more of Toby's work: https://www.tobypederson.com/ 

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