Photographer and Director Caleb Kuhl photographs the Toyota Camry in Downtown LA. Scroll down to see our BTS video!
Follow Caleb on Instagram --> @CalebKuhl
See more of Caleb's work here -->
Watch the Behind the Scenes video here
Photographer and Director Caleb Kuhl photographs the Toyota Camry in Downtown LA. Scroll down to see our BTS video!
Follow Caleb on Instagram --> @CalebKuhl
See more of Caleb's work here -->
Watch the Behind the Scenes video here
Need a rep on your side?
Photographers BIDDING on a project or dealing with image licensing RENEWAL requests or COPYRIGHT issues may need a photo agent's guidance and negotiation support. I call this Temp Repping, where I become your rep voice to help get you the job while overseeing that you are protected and paid properly.
Temporary representation cases can happen as either; a) I advise you behind the scenes or; b) I step in to negotiate directly on your behalf, serving as the liaison between you and the client for the entirety of the job(s).
Cost: I charge 15-25% of your fees depending on each situation only if we get the job. There is no cost to you if we do not get the job; I get paid if you get paid. It's a win-win.
How to begin: Email me ( a description of the project or the situation needing financial negotiation. I will determine if it's a situation where we can do well together, and then we will strategize our plan based on the specifics of each project.