We asked lifestyle photographer Caleb Kuhl about his Westfalia images, here's what he had to say! Make sure you read to the end to see some of his work or view the whole project here


“I was sifting through some old hard drives to retrieve some images for a project I was working on, and I stumbled upon a photo shoot I did with a Westfalia several years ago. As I perused the images, I was struck by how many gems I had missed as a younger photographer. Back then, I was focused on perfecting lighting, composition, and technical precision, rather than trusting my instinctive feeling for what makes a compelling image. Now, I prioritize choosing photos that evoke emotion, even if they don't adhere strictly to compositional rules or technical standards.”


Did you learn or realize anything about this shoot?

I think like with any test, what I took away was the experience of shooting itself, working on my craft, getting more comfortable with the process and pushing people to do and try new things.

Why was it so fun for you? 

I’ve always been a big fan of the Westfalia mods for VW vans, especially the older ones. I was stoked to find someone who had this vehicle and I really wanted to do a pacific coast themed camping story with it.

Why do you think they turned out so well?

 I think it’s always a combination of casting, styling, location and having a good eye.

Is there anything about your skill-set like past retouching experience, or cinematic movie style that inspired you? 

I’m an 80’s baby so all of those movies that were set in socal were always an inspiration to me, I tried to pull from those vibes in general, I think I can’t help it. It’s sort of just in me.

How long did this shoot go for? 

 We shot from around 3pm till the sun set. 

Where was it shot? 

Malibu, CA

Were you pleased with these shots? Did you realize how great these were while you were shooting? 

I was pleased with the shoot overall. Although I tried to incorporate a product, I think it was a portable bluetooth speaker at the time to try and tie that into the “campaign” but as you can see none of those images made it. It felt forced. I wish I didn’t waste my time trying to do that. 

Do you ever not realize how great shots are until you see them, or do you know as you go?  

I think my initial cull I’m always pretty excited, if the images are good. Then while I’m editing them I start to hate them all and 2nd guess myself. Then if I let them set for a week or 2 and come back to them I'm pleased again. Lol. It’s a vicious cycle. 


See more of Caleb's work here --> calebkuhl.com

Follow Caleb on Instagram -->@CalebKuhl



Lifestyle photographer Caleb Kuhl photographs beach sunsets with a Westfalia van

Lifestyle photographer Caleb Kuhl photographs beach sunsets with a Westfalia van

Lifestyle photographer Caleb Kuhl photographs beach sunsets with a Westfalia van

Lifestyle photographer Caleb Kuhl photographs beach sunsets with a Westfalia van

Lifestyle photographer Caleb Kuhl photographs beach sunsets with a Westfalia van

Lifestyle photographer Caleb Kuhl photographs beach sunsets with a Westfalia van

Lifestyle photographer Caleb Kuhl photographs beach sunsets with a Westfalia van

Lifestyle photographer Caleb Kuhl photographs beach sunsets with a Westfalia van

Lifestyle photographer Caleb Kuhl photographs beach sunsets with a Westfalia van